The evidence against Karen Read:
On January 29, 2022, Karen Read in a state of intoxication, stands accused of backing over her then-boyfriend John O'Keefe. Karen Read is charged with murder in the second degree, manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, and leaving a scene of personal injury and death. The evidence paints a grim picture of that fateful night. Witness statements recount the evening prior leading up to the discovery of John's frozen body in the early morning hours of January 29, 2022. Much of the evidence implicates Read, casting a substantial shadow of guilt while her cold demeanor implies a lack of remorse.
The court documents and videos below highlight the evidence against Karen Read. The full 35-day trial was aired live by the Law & Crime Network and can be found on YouTube.
Court Documents and Discovery all filed in Commonwealth vs. Karen Read
ADA Adam Lally Closing Argument via CourtTV
The Case Against Karen Read by Tuesday Gazette
Karen Read Trial: The Only True Verdict is Guilty by Attorney Kevin J. Mahoney
Evidence Not Disputed by Kevin Lenihan, Yellow Cottage Tales
Additional evidence & facts from Commonwealth
Karen Read’s Behavior Patterns:
John hugs his friend Laura’s sister, Marietta, in the hotel lobby. Karen sees this, and accuses John of cheating. Tells Marietta, “Go fuck yourself”. [Marietta testimony]
Five minutes after John’s Apple Health Data (on iphone) permanently stops registering his steps, Karen leaves a voicemail at 12:37 AM screaming, “I fucking HATE you!”.
Karen obsessively calls him 53 times between 12:37 AM and just past 6:00 AM.
She left multiple voicemails calling him names like a “fucking loser” and a “fucking pervert”. She accuses him of cheating.
When Karen is in the vehicle searching for John with Kerry and Jen McCabe, she’s noted as being hysterical. In the midst of this panic, she sees John’s ex-girlfriend’s house (Bella’s mom), and mentions how that woman doesn’t like her. Jen and Kerry thought this was a bizarre statement at that moment.
John repeatedly tells Karen to stop calling him.
Between the times of 9:19 AM to 2:59 PM, Karen calls John 18 times.
John rejected 11 of those calls. 4 calls show up as “missed”, and 3 as “accepted”.
Karen asks him if he is cheating on her, and he says no.
1/12/22 Karen asks a friend for Brian Higgins’ phone number, and she texts him.
1/15/22 - Brian Higgins attends a football game watch party at John’s house. Higgins testifies that Karen walked him through the garage where she kissed him.
In a later text, she said not to worry because she knew the security cameras would not catch them in that spot. She then proceeds to invite him over to her own house via text, but he declines.
They continue flirting via text periodically. She appears to be more of the one taking the lead.Tells him he’s hot.
Texting seems to slow down and stop days leading up to 1/28.
On 1/28 Higgins texts Karen when seeing her at the bar, “Ummm…” and “Well”.
She doesn’t respond until the next day at noon with, “John died”. No more texts are exchanged.
About 40 minutes after John’s phone stops registering steps, Karen calls her parents at 1:10 AM. It’s unanswered. She called 2 more times at 4:40 (unanswered) and 4:42 (answered). Her mom and dad are listed as the same number under her contacts. These calls are at odd times lending to the idea that Karen urgently wants to talk to them.
Facial expressions, eye rolling, laughing at judge, smirking during testimonies. Highly emotional person, however zero tears shown for the victim.
Medical Testimony & Forensics
There was NO K9 DNA found as testified by Teri Kunn (lab expert)
No K9 Saliva Stains - Special light used to examine by Maureen HartnettDefense Dog Expert (Dr. Russell) did not have photos of Chloe’s teeth/ bite images prior to the voir dire. During voir dire, she also says she has not received the DNA results indicating no dog DNA. During her actual testimony, she says that the lack of DNA on John’s arm is because there’s a layer of clothing there. Lally reminds her that the clothing is what was tested for K9 DNA. She then contradicts herself and says she knows it was the clothing. (Good Lord. She was a hot mess)
Defense Medical Expert, Dr Sheridan was not informed about the lab testing that found zero K9 DNA. He was not informed of John's DNA being on the tail light. In fact, he says he recalls asking the defense if there was DNA found and they said no. This doctor was also not told that John’s hair was found on the vehicle.
However Chloe is alive and well living her best life.
Prosecution ME - “Likely and unlikely” that John was hit by a car.
His brain injuries caused a pressure that moves blood forward with nowhere to go but forward. This type of back head trauma causes inflammation and dark circles around eye. No signs of a ‘significant physical altercation’... no one else’s DNA in his nails, no bruises on knuckles past 6:00 AM.
Microscopic tail light piecesembedded in John’s shirt. Testified by Christina Hanley.
John’s DNA was found on the tail light pieces found on the lawn. John’s blood on clothing was his own. DNA on glass cup was a match to John (Testified Andre Porto, Crime Lab) -
John’s hair with the root found on the side panel/bumper.
Karen’s BAC level shows she was intoxicated at the time of driving. There is video surveillance of drinks ordered, bar receipts showing multiple Tito’s vodka orders. She does not remember where she last saw John (Jen McCabe testimony). Karen also tells Nightline in an interview that she had about 4 drinks, so we know she at least admits to those.
Video clip shows that the defense failed to give all of the discovery to their experts for review.