What is the truth behind the Free Karen Read Movement?
The "Free Karen Read" movement is a group of supporters who believe that Karen Read is falsely charged with murdering of her boyfriend, John O'Keefe, in January 2022. Karen Read and her defense team solicited the services of a local blogger to create reasonable doubt through unsupported allegations of police corruption and conspiracy.
Before, during, and following Read's trial in Dedham, Massachusetts, this group would gather in protest wearing pink, chosen by the defendant, and waving signs that read "Free Karen Read". Read's defense team claims Read is the victim of a massive coverup spanning multiple local and state agencies, witnesses for the Commonwealth, and friends and family of the deceased. A mistrial was declared on July 1, 2024, and Read's attorneys continue to file frivolous and unsubstantiated motions to dismiss the charges against her.
The Canton Witch Trials by Tuesday Gazette
Innocent by Intimidation by Tuesday Gazette
Karen Read Framed or Femme Fatale? by Attorney Kevin J. Mahoney
Logic over Propaganda by Kevin Lenihan, Yellow Cottage Tales